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farewell + hello

It is time to say farewell to Fifteen At Five, and hello to a new creative venture. For the past week I have been thinking and...

april 15 _ heart and soul

Happy Music Monday! A "little bit" obsessed with this song and the music video right now. Someday I really want to be in a music video...

april 14 _ becoming parker

I have felt pushed further and further to discover who I am in the past couple years. By that I mean through various circumstances and...

april 13 _ be honest

A reminder for those who need to hear it today... Be honest. Just do it. Honesty is the key to healthy relationships, and the key to...

april 12 _ some flowers for you

A simple, happy drawing for you today after the complexity that is David Whyte and his writing that I shared yesterday. Keep peace and...

april 11 _ vulnerability is not a weakness

Some good stuff and some questionable stuff in this excerpt from Mr. David Whyte's refelction on vulnerability. Take from it what you...

april 10 _ time to change

Alright. It is time for some changes around here... Here is what to expect: 1. Change the name. I have not been waking up at 5am, and I...

april 9 _ i can do this

I will be honest, after a week of not writing, I almost decided to let go of Fifteen At Five. I needed some time after my grandfather's...

april 8 _ crowded by compassion

My grandfather passed away this day. Something in me wants to write a tribute to him. Some sort of compilation of his good traits and...

april 7 _ a prayer

Grandpa is declining more rapidly now. Please send love and courage to him and all those encountering death, that they might embrace the...

april 6 _ gone from my sight

My grandfather conintues to hold on. This poem has truly helped me process the concept of death in healthy ways over the years. It feel...

april 5 _ a tenderness and a hardness

Right now my grandfather is experiencing his last days on this earth. He is in hospice in he and my grandmother’s home where myself and a...

april 4 _ flying

Heading home to be with family during a difficult time. Drew this on the plane today amidst too much turbulence: Keep peace and keep...

april 3 _ let's create a series

Most days I don't have a plan of what I am going to write about. I just let whatever comes to me flow into the post. Sometimes it is...

april 2 _ compassion and beauty

This morning I read the simplest quote that honestly struck me to my core. It is from an old tea bag label that was sitting on my kitchen...

april 1 _ taking myself seriously

April Fools! I am back, friends! I definitely took a little unplanned, five day hiatus from this blog. Oops. Life was a bit full, and the...

march 31 _ the sea

On Saturday Zack and I took a little morning trip to the beach. I brought a picnic complete with a basket, a blanket, and beer. The...

march 30 _ the odyssey

If you didn't know, Florence + The Machine has a visual album, The Odyssey, that came out around the same time as Beyoncé's Lemonade, and...

march 29 _ shaanti (peace)

Today I shared a year's worth of photographs from my volunteer position with L'Arche in India to a public album on my facebook page. It...

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