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january 9 _ mountain of peace

Writer's picture: parkerparker

Today my community held a meeting on "prayer." It was a space to discuss how spirituality is present in our daily lives as individuals as well as a group intentionally sharing life together. L'Arche communities are rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition, but over time many have begun to welcome a more inclusive, interfaith style to their spirituality and prayer. With so many people coming from different backgrounds and traditions, it is important that a community be an intentional space where everyone's beliefs are respected, valued, and celebrated.

This is something that I appreciate about L'Arche. When it comes to spirituality, and really most things, the message of L'Arche is not, "You will be good," but, "You are good." It is this simple sense of welcoming people where they are at—that each step of their journey is as important or valuable as any other.

We continued to discuss things like the value of mutual relationships, the necessity for openness and safety, and how our own spiritualities have been playing a role (or struggling to play a role) in community life. As words like, "unity," "respect," and "challenge" flowed in and out of the conversation, I found myself remembering the ways I saw three faith traditions being celebrated and practiced while living with L'Arche in India last year.

My mind kept coming back to a song that we used to sing every morning. Despite being in the local language, I was able to memorize the song and even sing it on my own. Naturally, I wanted to know what the song meant, and when I asked around for a translation, and the best that I gathered was this: "We are all equal, and we meet together at the mountain of peace." Of course, that was all the translation I needed. What a gorgeous message.

Today as I reflected on this song and message in the meeting, I happened to be sitting across the room from a painting of L'Arche Portland's logo. And then it struck me. This was exactly it. Literally in the visual design of the logo, and also figuratively in what we were discussing—seeing each others as equals, despite any differences in spirituality or faith (and truly despite any differences at all), and living together in peace.

"We are all equals,

and we meet together

at the mountain of peace."

It was a beautiful and reflective moment, and I expressed it to my community present. I was then given the opportunity to sing the song as our meeting's closing prayer, and after it was finished, was so thankful for that space to pray, sing, and share. Things seemed to really come full circle in that moment, both for me personally, and for our conversation.

Of course, this message is not only applicable our lives in L'Arche, but to all. We are all equals, and we are all called to peace.

Keep peace and keep creating,

Parker <3

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