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january 25 _ feel good friday

Writer's picture: parkerparker

Today I am going to do a little "Feel Good Friday" activity. I am going to make a simple list of things I like about myself. This list will not only give me a little boost of self-love, but today is also a busy day for me, so a shorter post will definitely help keep me "feeling good," and not stressed.

Five Feel Good Fun Facts For Friday...

1. I feel good about my work ethic and optimism. I like that I have the drive to work hard, not only to accomplish tasks expected of me, but also to chase after dreams that I am optimistic enough to expect of myself.

2. I feel good about my hair. I like my hair and the many ways I choose to style it. It rarely stays the same, and that always keeps things fun and interesting.

3. I feel good about my creativity. I love my creative mind, and its insatiable appetite to produce original work, or as someone recently described it to me, its "strong, feminine, birthing energy." (I loved this description, and resonated with it quite well.)

4. I feel good about my job. I am incredibly thankful for the gifts and growth I have experienced from living in L'Arche for the past two years. Although it is tough on some days, it is so life-giving on others.

5. I feel good about my loved ones. I have built a circle of truly unique and gorgeous human beings around me, each whom offers such goodness to the world. I cannot thank them enough for the love, joy, and inspiration they freely give to me. (If you're reading this, and wondering if it's you, it is.)

Welp. Yes. That is my list for today. And there is much more I could add. But honestly this took me a little longer than I expected, because I decided to describe each one; they deserved explanations!

What would be on your Five Feel Good Fun Facts For Friday List? Keep peace and keep creating,

Parker <3

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