I slept nine hours last night. NINE. This rarely happens. I often find myself setting my alarm before bed, doing the math, and settling in for a solid five or six hours, but last night I decided to be nice to myself. Sleep is one of those things that I obviously enjoy, but never give much attention. During my senior year of college I averaged between four and five hours of sleep a night, yet still managed to function like I had gotten my full eight. I really believe that I just don't need as much as some others. It's not that I don't think sleep is important, I know it is, but I often have other things I would rather be doing. (Like waking up at 5am to write a daily blog...) This has me thinking. There shouldn't be many things that "I would rather be doing" than giving my body the self-care and attention it deserves. I definitely have the capacity to manage my time and get more sleep, but have been living with that mentality of "there aren't enough hours in the day." As we would say in L'Arche, this is an attitude of "scarcity," and I should try harder to live with an attitude of "abundance." There are enough hours in the day. I simply need to make sleep more of a priority in how I use them. (Unless of course those late-night creative juices are flowing, then sleep can wait.)
Keep peace and keep creating,
Parker <3