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january 10 _ no cute shoes for me today

Writer's picture: parkerparker

Anyone else living on a budget?

Being 24 years old, I haven't exactly racked up a lot of cash over the past couple years. Despite working multiple jobs and receiving decent scholarships, college left behind some lovely loans. And though I was privileged and supported enough to make it happen, doing a year of volunteer work in India left me returning to the States rich in experience, but not so much in the bank. So now, being in a position with a regular income, although it's nothing wild, has slowly been teaching me more awareness of my finances. I am learning more about how to live on a budget—a "ramen noodles every night" budget, but a budget nonetheless. (State Farm commercial anyone?) This might mean making my coffee at home, instead of buying a cup at the nearby coffee house. Or it might mean having much higher standards while getting my exercise walking around resale stores (a pastime that I should really replace with something less tempting to my wallet). Or even finding creative ways to make a little money on the side like selling clothes (at said resale stores) or doing some odd jobs. Overall I am slowly seeing my savings increase, and becoming less terrified to peek my bank account. I am nowhere near where I would like to be, but recovering from school and service work is an uphill climb that I can only take one step at a time. Luckily, I don't often feel alone in this climb. Many of my friends are in the same place. Post-graduate schooling, years of service, or starting salaries have left us all with a certain modesty when it comes to finances. And of course there is an entire political side to this situation, but that is not an area that I am trying to explore today. Today this is just a simple acknowledgment that managing money in your 20s is a unique struggle, but one that is often communal and humbling. Leaving school, starting new jobs, buying a car, renting an apartment, doing taxes, getting insurance, leaving your tab open at the bar, etc.—its all a little daunting, but it definitely builds a sense of responsibility. Don't worry. I still splurge here and there. There are some things you don't want to miss. And some opportunities that only come around during this phase of life. But it is all about balance, and thankfully the little voice in my head saying, "treat yourself," has toned it down a bit.

Anyways. Sorry for a boring blog post about finances. Hopefully it's a little relatable. It was on my mind after walking around one of my favorite resale stores trying to decide whether to take the cash value or the store credit after selling some clothes. (These stores usually give you a certain percentage of what they bought at cash value or store credit, but the cash value is always lower.) I ended up taking the cash to help out with some non-fashion expenses, and was patting myself on the back for resisting some really cute shoes... And so today's blog was born.

Keep peace and keep creating,

Parker <3

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