At the retreat this afternoon we did a lot of praying with our bodies. One of the animators of the retreat was explaining to us how’s sometimes our bodies remind us what our mind might be missing. Like if you’re so mentally captivated all day that you forget to drink water, your body will remind you that you need water by becoming weak and dehydrated.
In the same way, our bodies often carry deep emotions that we might not be aware of if we don’t allow our minds to catch up. There is a certain sensitivity and awareness in this process.
For us today this meant doing some simple movements to the rhythm of a soothing song while outside. Although it was a brief experience for Joni and I, I felt a great sense of clarity when I simply extended my hands toward the sky and stared out over the body of water before us. It is wa moment for me to listen to my body saying, “I need more of this.”
Now im not saying I need more stretching toward the sky, but that I need more prayer, opportunities for spiritual ministry, and moments to just stop and slow down in my life. My spirituality has been lacking lately, and not only has my mental life been affected by this, but also my physical life. My body reminded me of that today.
Looks like it’s time to commit to a regular dance class, and regular spiritual direction meetings. I’ll be doing my best to set those up.
What might your body be saying to you? Take a moment to stop and listen.
Keep peace and keep creating,
Parker <3