A couple days ago marked six months from when I moved into the L’Arche Portland community back in August! It is wild (and a little scary) to think how fast half a year has gone. I feel like I have grown so much, but also like I have not grown enough.
My heart has become full with new friendships, new seasons in old friendships, and a deepened, mature romance—lots of relationship building and fostering has happened over this period of time. I have learned the in’s and out’s of a new job, and even begun to take on new responsibilities and tasks. I have created a new home, adjusted to a new routine, and discovered new passions. But still there are some other things I thought I would have done or improved by now. I thought I might be over that thing that still hurts me, or have found a better way to stay connected with that person I love. I thought I would have already painted those paintings, or finished those books. I thought I might have scheduled that dentist appointment, joined that team, or wrote those letters. But I haven’t.
Maybe I need to be ok with that—be patient and gentle with myself—but maybe there are some actions steps I could take toward making improvements.
In L’Arche we have a “Six Month Review” meaning my team members and I will soon be reviewing my presence in the home, and offering feedback in areas that are gifts and areas that have room for growth. It feels like maybe I could also complete a wider Six Month Review, checking in with my overall self to see what areas of my life have been nourishing, what areas have been challenging, and what areas have been missing. I think if I list out these three categories, I might be able to create some action steps towards increasing nourishing items, diminishing challenging ones, and introducing the ones that have been missing.
What about you? Is now a good time to pause and check in with yourself, your emotions, and your goals? What might be on your lists?
Cheers to milestones, self-reflection, and proactive steps toward better lifestyles.
Keep peace and keep creating,
Parker <3