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february 12 _ flying to england

Writer's picture: parkerparker

Zack and I are flying to England this evening! Emily, one of our closest friends, has been doing her graduate studies at the University of Leeds, and we decided to visit her! We will all meet together in London to explore from Wednesday to Friday, and then from Saturday to Tuesday we will make our way north to Leeds, and experience what Emily's life has been like since September. (We will essentially be checking in to see if these new friends of hers live up to our standards.)

Of course I am so so excited to be exploring two cities in England, but quite honestly I am even more excited to be spending so many days with two of my dearest loves. Zack and I are going to be together for nine days! This will be the longest number of consecutive days we have shared together in over two years! It tickles my romantic, quirky, little heart just thinking about it. And we will be with Emily for seven of those days! Emily introduced Zack and I, and is so special to both of us. During the week we will not only be celebrating being together, but also Emily and Zack's birthdays, as well as Valentine's Day! If you know me well, you know I really enjoy celebrating the people I love, and now I get to celebrate two of them twice in one week! That is four times the celebration. It is going to be a magical magical time. This all said, I am not going to be doing much blogging while I am there. I have prepped some blogs to post each day, and most of them are going to be old poems or illustrations. I will still post those sleepy morning selfies to continue to publicize, but I hope you enjoy some of these never before seen creative pieces that are on their way! (And be gentle. There is a reason they have never been seen before now.) Cheers, everyone! Next week I will be sure to share about all the exploring, celebrating, and English tea! Keep peace and keep creating,

Parker <3

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